Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Go Green & Save Gas...In Your Underwear!

In an effort to contribute to “Going Green” awareness, the Laser Image IT department is stepping up its game and dropping its pants in order to help save the planet.  That’s right, their pants!  In an attempt to go green and save gas the Laser Image IT department has announced that in appreciation for all the hard work put forth by its team members, it would be implementing a work from home day. 

Members of the department will have the opportunity each week to pick a day on which they would work from home.  So for those who are scheduled to not come into the office, I’m sure that their dress code will significantly alter and some won’t even bother with showering on those particular days. (Who am I kidding?  I know I wouldn’t!) But for those who are scheduled to come into the office we do hope that they remember, as I remind myself everyday, that pants are still a requirement at the office and showering is really not an option.   

But major kudos to our IT department for a job well done and we hope they keep up the hard work…if not their pants! 


  1. Great Job Tasha - the new Social Media Expert!

  2. Awesome blog! Look forward to the next. Keep up the great work!

  3. HAHA that was a good read! Pants on the ground funny...
